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Elevating Your Real Estate Experience

Close Your Knowledge Gap


We thrive to provide the most honest and transparent reviews and thoughts of the real estate market in Singapore.


We want to be your trusted advisor in your property finding journey.


We believe in harnessing data to make the most informed property decision and equip yourself with the latest property knowledge.


We want to empower you.


With policies change and quick market movement, we keep pulse of industry news and reports.


We want to remove the FOMO in you!

Flower Shop


The Upper Room is birthed out of our own property journey as a married couple. 


In 2015, we bought our first matrimonial house - a private condo at Seng Kang. Having only worked for a couple of years, it was a financial stretch for us, especially the downpayment. Nonetheless, with careful and prudent financial calculations, we managed to finance the home and collected our keys in 2019.


In 2020, we decided to sell this matrimonial house, and embark on our property investment journey. We are now proud owners of 2 private properties, and working towards our dream home. 


During the course of our own journey, we realized there is a huge knowledge gap and this knowledge gap plays a huge role in determining the various decisions we need to make, and this may affect how you live (literally) at your retirement.

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